Click thumbnails below for enlarged renderings by Nicholas Wood.

Shown at top is his reconstruction of part of the insula's northern facade superimposed on the present-day scene.

House of the Fruit Orchard

Below, a plan of the insula. Click for a larger version.

Below, a "Then and Now" treatment of The House of the Ceres in cross-section. Click for a larger version.

Below, another "Then and Now" treatment, of the House of Successus. Click for a larger version.

Illustrations by Nick can also be viewed alongside relevant 360° panoramas on these pages:

House of the Beautiful Impluvium (I.9.1), room 7, room 8, room 11

House of Successus (I.9.3), entrance 4/room 1, entrance 4/room 2, room 5, room 6, room 9

House of the Fruit Orchard (I.9.5), room 12

House and Bar of Amarantus (I.9.11-12), room 2, room 5

House of the Ceres (I.9.13), room 4, room 9, room 11