Astrophotography; click the thumbnails below for larger images and more information.
Solar System
Mars |
Jupiter |
Saturn |
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto |
Lunar eclipse 2021 |
Lunar craters |
Lunar landscapes |
Earthshine |
Solar eclipse 2012 |
Solar eclipse 2017 |
Annular eclipse |
The Green Flash |
Transit of Venus |
Transit of Mercury |
Halley's Comet |
Other comets |

Deep Sky | stars, star clusters and nebulae
The Southern Cross |
Alpha Centauri |
Proxima Centauri |
Omega Centauri |
Jewel Box Cluster |
Alpha Crucis |
Dark nebulae |
47 Tucanae |
Horsehead Nebula |
The Sword of Orion |
The Pleiades | Matariki |
Running Man Nebula |
Star clouds, Sagittarius |
Milky Way mosaic |
M8, M20; wide-field |
M8 | Lagoon Nebula |
M20 | Trifid Nebula |
NGC 6559 |
Rho Ophiuchi complex |
IC 4603 |
Barnard 86, NGC 6520 |
M16 | Eagle Nebula |
M17 | Omega Nebula |
IC 4628 |
M1 | Crab Nebula |
Eta Carinae Nebula I |
Eta Carinae Nebula II |
The Homunculus |
Tarantula Nebula |
NGC 6357 |
NGC 346 | SMC |
Albireo | Beta Cygni |
Messier 11 | NGC 6705 |
Messier 7 | NGC 6475 |
Sirius |
Southern Pleiades |
Gem Cluster |
Cat's Paw Nebula |
NGC 6726 |
NGC 6589 |
NGC 6188 | NGC 6193 |
Western Veil Nebula |
M6 | Butterfly Cluster |
Rosette Nebula |
Witch Head Nebula |
Gum 17 |
Cone Nebula |
Praesepe | M44 |
IC 2177 |
IC 2944, IC 2948 |
NGC 6087 |
NGC 6067 |
Messier 22 |

Deep Sky | galaxies
The Clouds of Magellan |
NGC 253 | Sculptor |
NGC 55 | Sculptor |
NGC 300 | Sculptor |
M83 | Hydra |
NGC 5128 | Centaurus |
Fornax galaxy cluster |
NGC 1097 | Fornax |
NGC 1365 | Fornax |
NGC 6744 | Pavo |
M104 | Virgo |
Markarian's Chain |
Galaxies in Virgo |
M87 | Virgo |
M 49 et al |
Leo Triplet |
M66 | Leo |
Galaxies in Leo |
NGC 2997 | Antlia |
Galaxies in Centaurus |
NGC 4945 | Centaurus |
NGC 4565 | Coma |
Barnard's Galaxy | Sag |
Grus Quartet |
Hydra Galaxy Cluster |
Galaxies in Dorado |
Galaxies in Pavo |
M31 | Andromeda |
NGC 1532 | Eridanus |

Deep Sky | planetary nebulae
Saturn Nebula |
Helix Nebula |
Dumbbell Nebula |
Eskimo Nebula |