Proxima Centauri
Zooming in on the nearest star to the sun.
Below, the Southern Cross and Pointers region of the sky made with a 50mm focal length lens. Alpha Centauri is the bright star at left. Click on the image to toggle a key showing the whereabouts of Proxima Centauri.
Below, a crop at 100% from the image above, centred on Proxima. Click on the image to toggle a key showing Proxima's whereabouts.
Below, a shot with a lens of 100mm focal length, 100% crop. Click on the image to toggle a key showing Proxima's whereabouts.
Below, a shot with an 11-inch telescope at 560mm focal length, 100% crop.

Below, 11-inch telescope at 1,960mm focal length, 100% crop.

Below, 11-inch telescope at 2,800mm focal length, 100% crop.

Below, the uncropped full field of the 2,800mm focal length shot above, centred on Proxima.

Click here for a video (in the Image Animations section) animating the above imagery.
Lastly, an animation of Proxima's proper motion. The two frames are crops of a small section of images made with a 50mm lens in 2014 and 2020. Proxima is circled in green (the blue circles mark variable stars in the field).