Pomp and Circumstance: Arrival of Governor Sir William Jervois in Auckland
6 April 1883 (unknown photographer) – 2022
An unidentified photographer made at least two exposures of this procession of horse drawn carriages in Queen Street, welcoming Governor Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois to Auckland on 6 April 1883. The image below, showing the Governor's carriage at lower left, has survived in the form of a lantern slide (click on images to toggle transition between two photographs).
Unknown. Crowds on Queen street during parade, PHO-2018-22.30.53. Walsh Memorial Library, The Museum of Transport and Technology (MOTAT).
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Below, a later shot which shows the end of the procession passing by. The procession had started at the railway station at the foot of Queen Street, making its way to Government House via Grey and Pitt Streets, Karangahape Road and Symonds Street.
Arrival of Governor General Sir William Francis Drummond Jervois in Auckland. Raw, T R F: Photographs, chiefly of New Zealand. Ref: PAColl-0657-18. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23051597
Click here for a larger version of this transition, and here for a short animation of these images..
Read all about it
Below (if you can face it) is a dauntingly thorough account of this day's events from the Auckland Star of 6 April 1883. Details about the procession pictured here can be found about halfway down the middle column.

Below, a portrait of Sir William Jervois in all his viceregal glory.

Sir William Jervois, 1887-1888, Wellington, by Connolly and Company. Te Papa (D.000054)