Looking south-east across Queen Street with the Shortland Street corner at left
1860s (unknown photographer) - 2021
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1860s image (composite of two prints): Auckland Museum | Queen Street, unknown photographer, PH-ALB-94, PH-ALB-299
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The three-storey building at right in the 1860s picture, stil present in the 2021 image, is Queen Street's oldest surviving building, one of just three known to date back to the 1860s.
Below: Nearly forty years after the 1860s photograph was taken an illustration based on it was published in The New Zealand Graphic (19 October 1901) on a page with the title "The Auckland of the Old Colonists, Queen Street in the Early Sixties", annotated with the names of businesses in the buildings shown.

Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections NZG-19011019-0738-02