Looking west down Shortland Crescent
ca.1859 (John Nicol Crombie) - 2021
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ca.1859 image: Shortland Crescent, Auckland. Ref: 1/2-049798-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/22361044
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It seems very likely that this Crombie photograph was made in 1859, as an engraved illustration, clearly based on it, and captioned "Auckland in 1859" (see below) appeared in the 1860 publication New Zealand. A Handbook for Emigrants (London: F. Algar, Australian and New Zealand Gazette Office). The camera position was close to Crombie's Shortland Street studio (he moved to new premises in Queen Street in July 1859). It may be that this photograph was made after his move to Queen Street, as it seems to be this image that was referred to in the newspaper report below.

Auckland Examiner 14 September 1859 Page 2
(The "West Queen" Street of the newspaper report is modern Swanson Street, seen rising up from Queen Street to the Hobson Street ridge in the distance.)
Below, another version of Crombie's image. Crombie's Shortland Street premises were evidently in the building partly seen at far right; an 1855 newspaper advertisement (see below) refers to his studio being ..."two doors above the Office of the Southern Cross [newspaper]" which was the three-storey buidling third from right.

Below, the illustration from New Zealand. A Handbook for Emigrants

A photograph of Queen Street by Crombie can be seen here. Crombie's Queen Street studio (and possibly a glimpse of Crombie himself) can be seen here.
Below, one of Crombie's earliest advertisements in the local press.

New Zealander 21 July 1855 Page 1 (Supplement)
Below, Crombie announces his move to Queen Street.

Daily Southern Cross 29 July 1859 Page 3