Jupiter | 2015

Jupiter with its moon Ganymede | 27 February 2015 08:53 UT

With Io | 28 February 2015 11:43 UT

With Io | 10 March 2015 10:12 UT

With Ganymede and Io | 10 March 2015 10:23 UT

With Io | 10 March 2015 10:52 UT

Four-frame animation | 10 March 2015

With Europa | 13 March 2015 09:41 UT

Five-frame animation | 13 March 2015

With all four Galilean moons: at left, Io; at right a close grouping of Ganymede, Callisto and Europa | 31 March 2015

With Ganymede (nearest the planet) and Io | 4 April 2015 07:01 UT

Just moments after the above image was captured, Ganymede began to be eclipsed by Jupiter's shadow. A run of RGB exposures captured the eclipse in progress as seen below, where the RGB frames are each seen alongside simulations made with the planetarium application Sky Safari.

Below, two further images from later that evening (at 07:40 and 08:13 UT)

Images made with a Schmidt-Cassegrain 11-inch telescope working at various focal lengths; stacks of frames made from image sequences using a monochrome camera through red, green and blue filters.