360° object "movies": click the thumbnails to view; click and drag to rotate.
Roman glass bottle |
Roman sculpture |
Roman bronze lantern |
Roman stamp or seal |
Roman bust |
Bronze |
Lekythos |
Krater |
Amphora |
Horus |
Egyptian statue |
The Charioteer of Delphi |
Iris: 360° time lapse |
Cat skull |
A sample of quartz-amethyst |
Kodak Brownie Starlet camera |
Voigtländer Vitessa camera |
Asahi Pentax Spotmatic camera |
"Manifold" sculpture |
Aphrodite |
Ancient theatre mask replica |
1899 British penny |
Fossil trilobite |
Shell |
Mirror Ball |
For a variation on 360-degree imaging of objects, see the slit-scan section (on the Other Imagery page of this site) for examples of peripheral photography.