Jupiter | 2020
During August a bright, white, stretched-out storm developed at mid-northern latitudes, seen here in the images of 28 and 30 August, 2 and 30 September, and 1 October.

26 July 2020 at 10:19 UT (left) and 11:42 UT

28 July with Io and shadow transiting, 12:13 UT and 28 August, with Io and Callisto, 09:04 UT

30 August with Europa, 10:55 UT and 2 September, 08:09 UT

5 September with Ganymede transiting, Io and shadow, and Callisto, 11:23 UT and 30 September 07:25 UT

1 October 07:09 UT and 26 October with Europa 07:35 UT
Below, an animation from 28 August.

Images made with a Schmidt-Cassegrain 11-inch telescope; stacks of frames made from image sequences using a monochrome camera through red, green and blue filters.