Labour Day Parade, Queen Street
1904 (Henry Winkelmann) - 2023
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1904 image: Henry Winkelmann | Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 1-W1163-PAN
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A panorama made from two plates (1-W1162 and 1-W1163), digitally stitched by Auckland Libraries. The scene is looking more or less south-west from the northern corner of Wellesley Street East and Queen Street. Note that the block of buildings opposite the camera was demolished, and that section of Queen Street widened, in the 1920s.
As noted elsewhere, Winkelmann would never have seen his panoramas so seamlessly stitched together (except, perhaps, in his mind's eye). Still, when the images were presented side-by-side, the panoramic effect could still work reasonably well. This can be seen below, in a double-page spread from the Auckland Weekly News of 20 October 1904. In this version a different plate was used for the left-side component, a picture whose original negative has seemingly not survived. Click on image for a larger version.
Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections AWNS-19041020-08-02