Procession in Queen Street during the visit of the American Fleet
1908 (unknown photographer) - 2022
Drag the slider to compare two photographs
1908 image: Procession down Queen Street, Auckland, during the visit of the American Fleet. Ref: 1/2-002231-F. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. /records/23213573
Click here for a short animation of these images.
For a Henry Winkelmann panorama of the American Fleet in the Waitematā Harbour during this 1908 visit, click here.
Below, three selected details from the 1908 image.
There seems to a bit of a commotion going on around the first carriage, attracting the attention of the coachmen and outriders, although its cause is unclear.
The Auckland Savings Bank building (second from right) is the only structure common to both the 1908 and 2022 images.