American Fleet in the Waitematā Harbour
1925 (Henry Winkelmann) - 2022
Click on image to toggle transition between two photographs
1925 panorama: Henry Winkelmann | Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections 1-W0649-PAN
A multi-plate panorama by Henry Winkelmann, digitally stitched (by Auckland Libraries), taken from Takarunga / Mt Victoria.
Click here for a fullscreen version of this transition, or here for a bigger, scrollable version.
This was the second such visit that Winkelmann documented. Click here for a similar panorama the American Fleet's earlier visit in 1908.
Click here for a short animation of these images.
In keeping with the warlike theme of this transition, on the April day that the 2022 panorama was made it happened that there was a flyover by a group of vintage military aircraft marking the 85th anniversay of the Royal New Zealand Air Force. Click on the image below for a transition using a detail of Winkelmann's panorama.
Below, a detail of the flyover group: an Avenger leading two T-6C Texan II aircraft and a Spitfire.